Project Name: Integrated Food and Wash Emergency Response to the most vulnerable and food insecure peoples in Bait Al-Faqeeh and Al-Zaydia districts at Hodidah governorate, #YEM-17/3420/2SA 2017/FSAC-WASH/NGO/7014

LMMPO implemented an integrated food and WASH emergency response project in Bait Al-Faqeeh and Al-Zaydia districts, Hodeida Governorate, from December, 2017 to October, 2019 to address food security gaps and WASH dire needs for the most vulnerable households in both targeted districts.
LMMPO, via this project, has contributed in addressing the immediate causes of food insecurity and malnutrition via the provision of minimum standard food baskets for 3642 HHs for three months. Then through conducting 100 awareness raising sessions on Food Sector in both districts. WASH services and basic needs were addressed as well through constructing 50 latrines, rehabilitation of 5 wells, distribution of 1217 basic hygiene kits and 3642 consumable hygiene kits, and conducting WASH awareness raising sessions. The project provided essential services and alleviated the suffering of vulnerable local communities in both districts.
Bait Al-Faqeeh and Al-Zaydia districts of Al-Hudaydah Governorate
: 28,000 of the most affected people including IDPs and host communities.
Main outcomes
3000 HHs provided with standard food basket for three continuous months.
1000 vulnerable and insecure HHs assisted with agricultural inputs and training in producing nutritional food.
2 Multi-sector Community Committees formed/ newly established in Al-Zaydia and Bait Al- faqeeh.
5 wells drilled/built or rehabilitated.