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Project Name: Food Security and Agriculture Project - As-Sukhnah and Az-Zaydia Districts of Al-Hudaydah Governorate.



Project 10383

LMMPO implemented a food and agriculture assistance project, funded by YHPF  (Project Code#10383), for the most vulnerable host communities and IDPs to alleviate the suffering of conflict-affected people in As-Sukhnah and Az-Zaydia districts, Al-Hudaydah Governorate, from Nov. 1st, 2018 to Dec. 31st, 2019. The project intervened by provision of unconditional food voucher transferred for 2000 HHs in six rounds through six consecutive months in As-Sukhnah District; and by provision of FSAC Minimum Emergency Livelihoods Assistance for 300 vulnerable households with access to productive assets in Az-Zaydia District by distributing 300 vegetable kits (seeds), 300 plastic water tanks (1,000 liters), Land preparation “tillage” for 300 beneficiary HHs with ¼ hectare for each HH, and conducting 48 raising awareness sessions on food and nutrition related issues. The project ended successfully by achieving remarkable improvement in food security for the most vulnerable households in both targeted districts. 






: Most Affected People including IDPs and host communities.

Total beneficiaries 16630 individuals



As-Sukhnah  Districts of Al-Hudaydah Governorate.



  • 2000 HHs have benefited from emergency food assistance (unconditional voucher transfers).

  • 300 HHs have been provided with agriculture inputs with vegetables seeds.

  • 300 HHs have been trained on agriculture with awareness on food related issues.

  • 300 HHs have been provided with 300 tanks (1000 liters).


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